Wyoming Armory

Quality refinishing for all your firearms


      I am no longer going to be handling refinishing requests for my customers. I sincerely apologize, but I must concentrate my business on what I do best and get my Waiting List under control. With my Waiting List pushing one year, I have realized I am spending too much time each week being the “middle man” for these services. This actually makes better sense because while you are on my Waiting List, you can send your revolver off for refinishing and get it back. Then there is not the delay of an added month or two on my end when you send it to me for the grip and gunsmith work. It actually works better for both of us.

Wyoming Armory offers two great finishes for the complete revolver. They do a 1st Gen Colt “brushed blue” or a 3rd Gen “high polish & deep blue” along with beautiful case hardening of the frame, gate and hammer.


They handle the small jobs as well, like just a hammer for case hardening or a cylinder for re-blue.

They do a spectacular job as you can see and many of you already know.


Wyoming Armory

Contact: George Dillman

Phone 307-527-4570

Web – wyomingarmory.com Email –
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Bone & Charcoal Case Hardening

* I still do the fire bluing for customers *





Fire blue accents by CSA.

Case Harden3



Colt 22


USFA Rodeo to Safe Queen



Before & After

